60kg雞柳已捐贈予粉嶺坪輋狗場 Donated 60kg Chicken Fillets to the Local Animal Shelter After the Rainstorm

60kg雞柳已捐贈予粉嶺坪輋狗場 Donated 60kg Chicken Fillets to the Local Animal Shelter After the Rainstorm


位於粉嶺坪輋嘅狗場-動物義工貓狗之家- 因為黑雨導致嚴重水浸,所有糧食同凍肉都浸哂… 店主希望送上小小心意, 捐助60 kg泰國無激素雞柳去狗場,幫手渡過今次難關。

今日去到狗場見到百幾隻狗狗都平安無恙,好多隻仲肥肥白白,睇得出義工們平日有幾悉心照顧佢哋🥰 都希望受傷義工早日康復💪🏻


Many local animal shelters were flooded severely by the black rain in early September 2023, Animal Volunteer Charity, located in Fanling and houses 150 cats and dogs, was one of those. As per the shelter owner, all the pet food and electronic appliances were badly flooded and power supply had been cut. To help them getting over this difficult time and alleviating food shortage, Little Petdators donated 60kg chicken fillets to the Shelter a few days after the natural disaster. We hope the floods will subside soon so the animals can go back to leading their normal lives.

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