Collection: Chinese Medicinal Collection 養生漢方系列

Featuring traditional Chinese mushrooms and herbs which carry medicinal properties. Each ingredient is hand-picked by our certified pet nutritionist to create our exclusive healthy recipes. Naturally healthy and safe for dogs. Suitable for puppies to senior dogs with different health conditions. 全新養生漢方小食系列採用傳統天然中藥食材,漢方食補能為毛孩帶來有效及温和保健作用,增強抵抗力,既安全又有益。 每款中藥食材都由我們經認証的寵物營養師挑選,研發健康食譜,針對不同毛孩常見的身體問題。適合幼犬至老年犬食用。

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