Little Petdators
Freeze-dried Grain-fed Pork Jerky 凍乾穀飼豚肉片
Freeze-dried Grain-fed Pork Jerky 凍乾穀飼豚肉片
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謠傳貓狗不能吃豬肉,因為脂肪分子比較大,不利於消化吸收,不過這個說法並沒有醫學根據。 事實上,毛孩是可以吃豬肉的! 只要選擇來源衛生的豬肉, 避開脂肪較多部位,便能讓毛孩吃得開心又健康! 本店採用穀飼豬柳,豬柳脂肪含量更只有3%, 十分低脂及健康! 若毛孩對雞肉及牛肉敏感,豬肉亦是不錯的選擇!
It was rumoured that cats and dogs should not eat pork, because the fat molecules are relatively large, which is not conducive to digestion. However, this statement is not scientifically supported. In fact, furkids can eat pork as long as you choose pork from hygienic sources and avoid fatty parts. Pork loin contains only 3% fat which makes it an ideal and healthy food for our furkids.
豬肉有以下好處 Pork has the following benefits:
- Rich in protein and vitamin B1 含豐富蛋白質及維生素B1
- Easy to chew for dogs with chewing problem 容易咀嚼
- Hypoallergenic 低敏
Ingredients: 100% US/Brazil grain-fed pork loin 美國/巴西穀飼豬柳
Storage instructions: Keep in a cool and dry place.
Estimated Shelf life: Approx 8-12 months
Made in Hong Kong 香港製造
Hardness 零食硬度★☆☆☆☆☆
Hardness 零食硬度★☆☆☆☆☆
根據軟硬度, 協助你選擇適合毛孩的零食
Helps you better understand the texture of the treat/ chew
Storage Instructions
Storage Instructions
-Milk Chews 牛奶棒:
Please keep refrigerated upon delivery. 奶類製品必須在收貨後放入雪櫃貯存。
- Other Treats 其他小食:
Store in a cool & dry place, ideally in an air-tight container to maintain freshness. 請存放在清涼乾爽環境下,以密封器皿貯存較佳。
Please consume within 2-4 weeks after opening. 開封後,建議在2-4星期內食用完畢。
* For detailed storage instructions and suggested shelf life, please read the label at back. 詳細貯存方法及食用期限請參閱個別包裝背面標籤
凡購物滿 $200均可享免費送貨到順豐站或智能櫃地址。 滿$450 即可享免費送貨上門。
Spend over $200 to enjoy FREE shipping (only for self pick up from SF locker/ Store addresses) ! Spend $450 to enjoy FREE door to door shipping.
After confirming payment, made to order items will be dispatched as soon as they are ready. Customers will be given a tacking number by email.
Available shipping methods: 本店提供送貨選擇如下:
1. SF Express 順豐速遞
2. SF Stores / EF Lockers Self Pick-up 順豐站/智能櫃自取
- Fill in your shipping address as the self pick-up location on check out/ 結帳時,請在送貨地址上填寫自取地點
- SF Stores locations/ 順豐站地點
Pick-up at Little Petdators Studio 工作室自取:
📍九龍大角咀通州街111號雲之端25樓5室 Unit 5, 25/f, The Cloud, 111 Tung Chau Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong🕣 Pick-up hours: By appointment only
- After placing your order, please transfer the money to the selected account within 48 hours, and
- WhatsApp the payment receipt with your order no. and phone no. to 5636 0252*
- 完成下單後,請在48小時內轉帳
- WhatsApp 過數證明到 5636 0252*,並寫上訂單號碼及聯絡電話
Hang Seng Bank
Account number: 239 850068 883
Account holder's name: LITTLE PETDATORS
PayMe Name: Little Petdators Tap here to pay:
FPS identifier: 104362488 (LITTLE PETDATORS) |
*Only paid orders will be proceeded / 只店只會處理已付款訂單