Freeze-dried Pork Skin Roll 凍乾去油豬皮卷
Freeze-dried Pork Skin Roll 凍乾去油豬皮卷
Little Petdators 獨家產品! 每塊豬皮經人手去油, 凍乾超過72小時!
- Rich in collagen 含豐富骨膠原
- Odour-less 冇臭豬皮
- Highly-digestible 容易消化
- Packed with lean protein 含豐富精益蛋白質
- Texture of the pork skin can help remove tartar and plague from teeth 豬皮表面能協助毛孩磨去牙石及牙垢
- Suitable for dogs at all sizes & ages 適合所有年紀及大小狗狗
- Ingredients 成分:
- Argentine pork skin
- 阿根廷豬皮
- Storage instructions/ 貯存方法:
- Store in an airtight container & in a cool, dry place.
- 存放在密封器皿內,及在清涼、乾爽環境下 。
- Suggested shelf life/ 保質期限:
- 10-12 months/ 個月
*Please always supervise your dog while chewing. Remove it once it's worn down to a size smaller than their mouth to prevent the risk of choking. 進食潔齒類小食時,建議毛孩家長在旁觀察。如小食已被咀嚼較細至可直接吞下,請立刻移開,以免導致哽咽。
*This product is NOT recommended for aggressive eaters who do not like chewing 此小食不建議給予有吞食習慣或不喜愛咀嚼食物的毛孩
*Puppy-friendly 適合幼犬咀嚼
Made in Hong Kong 香港製造
**All treats are 100% handmade in small batches, actual colours, shapes, weights may vary slightly/ 天然小食均由100%人手製作,實物顏色、形狀及重量或會有少量誤差
Hardness 零食硬度★★★☆☆☆
Hardness 零食硬度★★★☆☆☆
根據軟硬度, 協助你選擇適合毛孩的零食
Helps you better understand the texture of the treat/ chew
Storage Instructions
Storage Instructions
-Milk Chews 牛奶棒:
Please keep refrigerated upon delivery. 奶類製品必須在收貨後放入雪櫃貯存。
- Other Treats 其他小食:
Store in a cool & dry place, ideally in an air-tight container to maintain freshness. 請存放在清涼乾爽環境下,以密封器皿貯存較佳。
Please consume within 2-4 weeks after opening. 開封後,建議在2-4星期內食用完畢。
* For detailed storage instructions and suggested shelf life, please read the label at back. 詳細貯存方法及食用期限請參閱個別包裝背面標籤
凡購物滿 $200均可享免費送貨到順豐站或智能櫃地址。 滿$450 即可享免費送貨上門。
Spend over $200 to enjoy FREE shipping (only for self pick up from SF locker/ Store addresses) ! Spend $450 to enjoy FREE door to door shipping.
After confirming payment, made to order items will be dispatched as soon as they are ready. Customers will be given a tacking number by email.
Available shipping methods: 本店提供送貨選擇如下:
1. SF Express 順豐速遞
2. SF Stores / EF Lockers Self Pick-up 順豐站/智能櫃自取
- Fill in your shipping address as the self pick-up location on check out/ 結帳時,請在送貨地址上填寫自取地點
- SF Stores locations/ 順豐站地點
Pick-up at Little Petdators Studio 工作室自取:
📍九龍大角咀通州街111號雲之端25樓5室 Unit 5, 25/f, The Cloud, 111 Tung Chau Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong🕣 Pick-up hours: By appointment only
- After placing your order, please transfer the money to the selected account within 48 hours, and
- WhatsApp the payment receipt with your order no. and phone no. to 5636 0252*
- 完成下單後,請在48小時內轉帳
- WhatsApp 過數證明到 5636 0252*,並寫上訂單號碼及聯絡電話
Hang Seng Bank
Account number: 239 850068 883
Account holder's name: LITTLE PETDATORS
PayMe Name: Little Petdators Tap here to pay:
FPS identifier: 104362488 (LITTLE PETDATORS) |
*Only paid orders will be proceeded / 只店只會處理已付款訂單